Revolutionary Positions: Gender and Sexuality in Cuba and Beyond

Issue 136 cover image showing repeated image of woman holding an infant

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This issue of Radical History Review reflects on the legacy of the Cuban Revolution as it reaches its sixtieth anniversary. Exploring the transnational meanings of the revolution through the lens of sexuality and gender, these essays offer fresh insight into Cuba’s global impact on politics and culture during the Cold War and beyond.

Internationalism and Solidarity
Sarah J. Seidman explores Angela Davis’s encounters with the Cuban Revolution. Lorraine Bayard de Volo analyzes the race and gender politics of Cuba’s mission in Angola. Emily Snyder traces ideas of love and family in the Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions.

New Men, New Women
Robert Franco studies the appropriation of Che’s concept of the “New Man” by a Mexican transgender and disability rights activist. Chelsea Schields analyzes calls for sexual revolution, racial equality, and decolonization in the Dutch Antilles. Marcelo Casals shows how fears of Cuban gender transgression fueled Chilean anticommunism.

Cultural Diplomacy and Mass Media
Ximena Espeche examines Latin American and US media coverage of Cuba’s 1959 trials and executions. Aviva Chomsky explores Cuban Nueva Trova musicians’ visions of love, sexuality, and gender. Paula Halperin traces the reception of the famous Cuban film Strawberry and Chocolate in Brazil.

Curated Spaces
Lani Hanna analyzes the visual images of revolution and solidarity produced in Cuban poster art in the aftermath of the 1966 Tricontinental Conference.

Margaret Randall, Gregory Randall, Ailynn Torres Santana, and Diosnara Ortega González reflect on feminism, sexuality, gender relations, and daily life in the Cuban Revolution from multiple generational and scholarly perspectives and life experiences.

Jennifer L. Lambe probes the way scholarly understandings of sexuality in revolutionary Cuba are shaped by assumptions about Cuba’s historical periodization.

Cover design based on poster “March 8 – International Women’s Day,” by Heriberto Echeverria (1971), for Editora Política (Cuba). Image courtesy Lincoln Cushing / Docs Populi. Thumbnail version of original poster image shown on back cover.